How to make a Vanilla Iced Latte at home
Iced Lattes are quickly becoming one of the nation’s favourite coffees, even more so during summer months when the weather is warmer. Whilst popping out to your local coffee shop is always one of life’s pleasures, sometimes it can be nice to enjoy a special coffee at home.
So let’s get to it, here’s how you can make your very own Iced Latte at home…
- Two shots of good quality freshly brewed espresso (we recommend using our signature range).
- 235ml milk – this can be dairy or one of your favourite dairy alternatives, and volume can vary depending on how you like your coffee.
- 1-2 pumps of vanilla syrup (more or less to taste).
- Ice.
How do I make it?
- Add ice to your glass.
- Pump in your syrup.
- Pour in your milk.
- Grind your coffee beans.
- Add to your coffee machine and pour your fresh espresso directly into your glass that contains your other ingredients.
- Add a straw, give it a mix and voila!
Does it matter what kind of milk I use?
We encourage you to use whatever milk you love! Whether it comes from a cow or a coconut, any dairy or alternative can work in an iced latte.
Do I need to froth my milk for an Iced Latte?
Whilst we’re used to seeing frothy milk in regular Lattes, when preparing an Iced Latte you don’t need to froth your milk as it will melt your ice. As well as this, using regular cold milk is a much faster process as it means you don’t need to take the time to froth your milk.
Does this recipe work with other syrups?
Of course! We always say to enjoy experimenting with your drinks at home, and an easy way to do this is to switch up your flavours with syrups. Some of our other favourite syrups for this recipe include Caramel, Coconut or Hazelnut to name a few!
Did you know that you can buy the very same beans that we use in our stores on our website? Click here to shop.
Fran Recommends
Did you know that our Signature Roast blend is the very same that we use in our stores? It works great for this recipe!
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