SOHO Coffee Co.>SOHO launch #SpreadASmile week

SOHO launch #SpreadASmile week

YoungMinds SOHO Coffee Co SpreadASmile Week (2)

In August 2023 we launched our #SpreadASmile week, where we aimed to sprinkle positivity to our teams and guests in support of YoungMinds. YoungMinds are a mental health charity for children and young people who believe every young person should get the support they need to make a great life and never feel alone with their mental health.

We raised an incredible £801.20 for YoungMinds by:

  • Donating 25p for every Mango Passionfruit Crushie sold.
  • Donating 50p for each cup of Batch Brew sold.
  • Donating £2 per colouring book sold.
  • Donating £1 per bag of Guatemala coffee sold.
  • Running a bake sale at our Support Hub.
  • Running a company-wide raffle.
  • Collecting change in our store charity buckets.

Keep your eyes peeled for our next fundraising activities in support of YoungMinds, but in the meantime you can read up on the work we have been doing to raise money to help YoungMinds support young people all over the UK.

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