SOHO Coffee Co.>Our Work with YoungMinds

Our Work with YoungMinds

YoungMinds SOHO Coffee Co SpreadASmile Week

Between 2020 & 2023, we worked with YoungMinds, a mental health charity for children and young people who believe every young person should get the support they need to make a great life and never feel alone with their mental health.

How did we support?


In August 2023 we launched our #SpreadASmile week, where we aimed to sprinkle positivity to our teams and customers.

We raised a fantastic £801.20 for YoungMinds by:

  • Donating 25p for every Mango Passionfruit Crushie sold.
  • Donating £2 per colouring book sold.
  • Donating £1 per bag of Guatemala coffee sold.
  • Running a bake sale at our Support Hub.
  • Running a company-wide raffle.
  • Collecting change in our store charity buckets.


A team of 3 SOHO team members took to the skies and jumped out of an airplane from 13,000ft – raising a HUGE £1,080! Read more here.

Charity Muffin

Our limited edition Lemon Meringue Muffin is made with vanilla muffin, topped with lashings of lemon curd and meringue!

Better yet, 25p from each muffin sale went straight to YoungMinds – raising £1,177.75 in 2022!

Guatemala Coffee

We created a bespoke coffee especially in support of YoungMinds – for every bag of Guatemala sold, £1 was donated!

This coffee was also used as Batch Brew in selected stores, where 50p was donated to YoungMinds per cup! In 2022, our Guatemala blend raised £1,563.75!

#HelloYellow Day

On World Mental Health Day, communities all over the UK come together to say #HelloYellow to show support to young people. Team SOHO supported this day every year, donning Yellow T-Shirts and encouraging customers to leave donations in charity buckets.

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